About PulseLife

PulseLife answers caregivers' medical questions and simplifies updating their knowledge.

Who are we ?

In 2014, Doctor Grégoire Pigné, Clotilde Petit and Romain Bruckert created PulseLife to reconcile the practice of medicine and the hypergrowth of knowledge. Since its creation, PulseLife (formerly 360 medics) has aimed to enable caregivers to practice medicine that evolves at the rapid pace of the growth of knowledge in order to work to improve the quality of care.
“I understood that medicine was changing at the start of my internship, when I was told “don’t buy books because everything you learn today will no longer be valid in 5 years”. At the time, I did not find an existing solution that would allow me to resolve this problem. »
Dr Grégoire Pigné, founder and CEO of PulseLife.
For 10 years our obsession has not changed: we are at the service of caregivers and we want to provide them with the most advanced technologies to enable them to ensure the best quality of care for their patients on a daily basis. The technological tools that we develop are easy to use and provide concrete help to caregivers, particularly in the context of dysfunctional digital health which often brings more complexity than saving time and efficiency.
We build PulseLife every day to support and best serve healthcare professionals in their daily practice. Our goal is to be their essential partner at every moment of care so that they become more efficient and secure the medical care of their patients.
In 2023, we are changing our name from 360 medics to PulseLife. Our ambition is no longer just to support caregivers at the time of prescription, we now want to support them by allowing them to answer all their medical questions.

Coping with hypergrowth

in medical knowledge

Unlike the 20th century caregiver who could limit himself to occasional reading of articles relating to his discipline to update his knowledge, today the caregiver must face a meteoric acceleration in scientific knowledge.

While they doubled every 3 years in 2010, they are now multiplied by 2 every 72 days. This makes it impossible to acquire new knowledge without benefiting from external help.

This hypergrowth of knowledge

has two direct consequences:


Doctors have had to adapt, they have hyperspecialized in order to concentrate the updating of their knowledge on a scope that a human brain can master, which has reduced their capacity to treat various pathologies, in a context where the shortage of doctors is glaring.


It is difficult for caregivers to quickly and easily find precise answers to their medical questions and therefore to the exercise of their profession. Today, they rely on search engines that lack reliability and relevance.

Our beliefs

At PulseLife, we are convinced that technology can help meet these challenges by serving caregivers.

To achieve this, we believe it must meet certain key criteria:

Digital tools

The use of digital tools is now necessary to extract from the growing body of available scientific knowledge, answers to caregivers' medical questions, which enable them to quickly make informed decisions.

Updated information

These technologies must allow caregivers to maintain broad expertise through real-time access to reliable, up-to-date and actionable information in their daily practice.

Artificial intelligence

These solutions must make extensive use of AI and new technologies capable of managing the exponential growth of medical data.

Ease of use

These solutions must be easy to use, immediately translatable into concrete help for caregivers, and capable of progressing at the rate of developments in knowledge and technologies.

Save time

These solutions must also allow them to free up a significant portion of time dedicated to monitoring the progress of their discipline, for the benefit of their main activity as a caregiver, in particular the privileged human relationships they maintain with their patients.

Our vision

Medicine accelerates, so does your practice with PulseLife.

With PulseLife, we aim to support caregivers in the new world of evidence-based medicine, enabling them to reinvent their practice every day in step with the latest medical and scientific advances.

Our mission

Making excellent care a reality accessible to all.

Our values

Since the beginning of our adventure, PulseLife has relied on 3 values ​​to guide our development, that of our products as well as our organization:

Being at the service of caregivers
PulseLife places itself entirely at the disposal and listens to caregivers to provide them with the tools and services most suited to their daily practice and enable them to offer the best care to their patients.
The requirement
The ultimate goal being the excellence of the care provided by caregivers, PulseLife has the requirement to also aim for the excellence of the services and products made available to them.
Trust and freedom
So that caregivers can make their decisions with complete confidence, we are committed to providing them with access to reliable, relevant and up-to-date scientific knowledge in real time.


Grégoire Pigné
CEO of PulseLife

Grégoire Pigné is originally from Charleville-Mézières. In 2003, he studied medicine in Reims before joining Claude Bernard University in Lyon to specialize in oncology-radiotherapy.

Throughout his professional experiences, Grégoire Pigné notices that medical knowledge is growing exponentially and that everything he learned during his studies is already obsolete. He then begins to imagine innovative solutions to support caregivers in managing their knowledge and giving them rapid access to reliable and precise medical information.

After joining the Start-up program at EMLyon, he launched PulseLife in 2014, alongside his sister Clotilde Petit and Romain Bruckert.

Since its creation, PulseLife has aimed to reconcile the practice of medicine and the hypergrowth of knowledge to work to improve the quality of care.

Currently CEO of PulseLife, Grégoire continues to work as an oncologist-radiotherapist at Saint-Etienne University Hospital. Passionate and versatile, he juggles every week between his doctor's coat and his entrepreneur cap.

Clotilde PETIT
COO de PulseLife

Clotilde PETIT holds a Masters in Management from EMLyon and Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Over the course of her professional experiences, she has developed strong expertise in the field of marketing within large groups such as L'Oréal, LVMH, and Seb.

Pragmatic, organized and with strong commercial potential, Clotilde transforms everything that moves into an action plan. In 2014, driven by an entrepreneurial desire, she joined her brother Grégoire PIGNÉ as COO and founded, with Romain BRUCKERT, PulseLife.

CIO de PulseLife

After a specialized course in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at EMLyon, Romain BRUCKERT turned to tech and puts his expertise at the service of companies such as Valéo, Eudoweb and Citizenplace.

Versatile and ambitious, Romain then embarked on the path of entrepreneurship by founding his own CRM company “Bluewink development”.

In 2014, he joined Clotilde PETIT and Grégoire PIGNÉ as CTO to launch PulseLife.

He has strong expertise on topics related to Tech and innovation.